Monday, November 22, 2010

Kite Runner

“What was the author's purpose(s) in writing this book, and how can you tell? How well was this purpose achieved?” “How would you describe the author's style of writing? What's your opinion of the style?”

            In this novel “Kite Runner” was about a kid name Amir and he was a spoiled little kid. He had a dad which was the richest person in their country or town name Kabul. He also had a friend that was living with them through out some of the story. His name was Hassan and they use to do everything together like read books, walk with him where ever they want to go, and especially kite running. Until one day these older boys jump his friend Hassan and then Amir found his friend and he just watched him being physically rape. That’s why I think this novel “Kite Runner” is based on redemption.
            The author’s purpose was about redemption because it showed it through out the whole story. There was a spoiled kid name Amir that couldn’t defend himself but his friend Hassan takes care of him and he is smaller then Amir. When Hassan helps Amir out, Amir doesn’t repay him anything. Like the time that Amir won the kite running tournament Hassan knew where the kite was going to fall. Then everyone was cheering for Amir, Amir noticed that Hassan was gone, later when they finished cheering for him he went to go look for Hassan. He went all over the place and the old guy that worked in a convent store asked Amir “what he is doing looking for a Hazara”. “Amir replies that the Hazara is the son of his father’s servant”. Then the old guy said “he saw the Hazara going south” .As Amir was walking there he seen three boys in the alley that he knows, their names were Kamal and Wali and last Assef. They told Hassan to give them the kite but Hassan refused because he was trying to give the kite to Amir. Because that was Amir’s first time ever win a Kabul tournament of kite running. Then they were jumping Hassan and Amir was just watching like it was a show or something. He was about to jump in and help Hassan but instead he waited until Hassan was done getting brutalized and rape. As Amir seen the three boys run then that’s when Amir seen Hassan limping. He went with Hassan and then Hassan gave Amir the kite while Hassan was crying and bleeding. I think that the purpose was achieved because it showed that Amir didn’t do anything to help out Hassan, Amir even called himself a coward for not helping. In my opinion I think that this is redemption.
            The style of this writing is that it relates to a lot of people in this world that are doing the same exact same for others. Which is called redemption? This kind of relate to me because my dad is doing a lot of things for me because he believes that I am going to have a good future and be successful in life. He does things for me like no other parent would ever do in their whole in tire life in my opinion. My dad always tells me to do my work. He tells me to do well in school to have a better education then he did. Whenever he tells me that for some reason I just don’t put it in my head I just ignore him like if he had said nothing at all. My dad had tried to do everything for me but for some reason it doesn’t work out with me. So now I am trying to do everything I can to pay him back. I try to do better in school so that he can forgive me and love ma like he use to. Like Amir and Hassan, Amir try to make Hassan forgive him by hitting Hassan with a pomegranate so that he can hit Amir back so that Hassan could accept his apology. I think that Hassan wouldn’t accept it because it had really affected him so much. Like the same thing with my dad all the things that I did for him was always affecting him because instead of me doing well I did badly. Now I am trying to turn that up side down so that I can get my dads respected back so that he can believe me. What I just said actually happen in kite runner too because he tried to get back Hassan respect. But in a different way not the way to do good in school but for him to through the pomegranate back at Amir but Hassan was too intelligent for that. Hassan was a good kid and always did things for Amir.
            In conclusion I really know what the author’s purpose of this novel is. In my opinion this novel is based on redemption because Amir feels responsible for his mother dead. As he played in the kite running tournament, he feels like he should bring back the kite to Baba so that he can redeem himself to Baba. All he wants to do right now is to make his dad proud of him. Amir doesn’t care for no one but himself that’s why he didn’t even care when Hassan was getting jumped and raped. All Amir did is take the kite and gave it back to Baba so he can be proud. But all Amir is doing is hurting his own friend. He wanted good things to happen to Hassan so he told his dad that Hassan stole his watch. Then Ali and Baba had a talk about the watch if Hassan stole it. Hassan said “yes” then Baba said “I forgive you” then Ali said “no I don’t want to live here anymore” then Baba said “I forbid you to stay” But Ali wouldn’t. I guess Amir did that for a reason to keep Hassan in a better place then he is. This is why i think it is redemption.  

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