Friday, November 5, 2010

Family Day!

     Today at family day it was so fun i couldn't believe it could be this fun we played different activity which was ummmm... family fued which we lost :(. Then they asked us a lot of questions like whats your favorite song and i said just the way you are by Bruno Mars which i like and also this other girl did her name was Karen. I was really happy that we had something in common in our family. I really like the family because they are really nice to you and funny which was me. Then they told us we can play a game that you draw then the person have to guess whatever it is. Which we didnt play because we where still doing the question thing about us which i liked so much by not more then the family fued. the family feud was the best.

     I liked it but then i hated it at the same time because whenever we get the answer right but we don't know the last then other teams gets it.its like doing all the work and someone else is getting all the credit and thats the part i hate so much.we had so much fun just like a real family would do. i like our family so much because they are funny and very creative and thats what i like about my family the most and most of them like a lot of things that i like and when i said that we were creative i made a new name for our family THE TALENTED.

     I said that we are because we all have something we good at. We all thing of things really creative like things on TV and you no who you are my famil members. i really think that are family is cool. They also help you on things like grades especially. they are really smart and thats what i like and they always help you out when you need it. Basically they are always there for us when we need it. I am so happy we have a family and i really think thats a family is a good thing in asti.

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