Monday, November 15, 2010

Kite Runner

     In this novel Kite Runner at the end was kind of sad. I didn't read but i heard it from people but then i heard that there was a lot of killing at the end. That's is always a good way to end the novel but i rather let the novel make another good way instead of death. Like the last novel we read which was "of Mice Men's"it was an ending i didn't expect. He killed his own friend i would of ran away with him but know instead he killed him because Lennie was George's misery. I actually cried i didn't know he would have done that. When i seen George struggling in killing him that's when i was saying in my head " don"t kill him don't kill him he is your friend i know he made you mad and everything but just don't do it can't you see he is mental."

     I feel like this book is more about the relatives and the family. I am just wondering why did they name it Kite Runner because he was just talking about it little in my opinion. They have should of called it " the redemption " because he talks about Amir the most and what he does. He is a spoiled kid. But know he is trying to get the bad things out of him so that he can regret. He try's to regret it by being a religious person. Like Hassan. Hassan has been religious his whole life because he did good things and they did bad things to him but he didn't do nothing back. He just let it happen like its nothing. I think in the begin of the story it was all about Hassan's life.

     I also heard people saying the story was sad and people saying its boring because of the Kite part. I feel like it would of been boring to because you think that it was going to be more death but then it just tells you something about kites and how do you play it in Kabul. If i had made it there I'm just being honest but i wouldn't have read that part because i might tell that it's going to be boring.

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