Monday, November 1, 2010


     In this story "Kite Runner" the author tries to show us how he's life was back then and how is was related to know.

    This story is basically how the other want to express hes life and I it is with out his parents which is really sad. He has a friend that he doesn't really call him a friend because he is spoiled and another reason is that its in his religion like his dad said. This story shows how life use to be between other like the differnces between Amir and Hassan. Amir is a spoiled kid and doesn't give resepect to Hassan i mean like he doesn't show we he is like who Amir think he is.

     My oppion of the author is thats he is trying to show the differents between eachother. I really think he wrote this Book to show people that this isn't the only time that happen. It happen to most people and i guess thats like the most top reason of the book. He knows that it effects their feelings which i think he wrote this. No matter who you are it doesn't matter if you are poor, rich, fancy, cool, popular, and even lonlly. He is trying to say that you can always change by reading the 40th page. It just pops up in my had so i had to let it out.

     Inconclusion i think he is trying to help people change he is trying to keep people as normal they can be like not rich not a show up and etc. I think he trying to say that everyone can be different but he want them to be the same just to be like friends and be happy what you got and don't be spoiled. I'll agree if he is because i know how that feel so thats why i chose to right this. Because it doesn't just affect one person its all over the world. THANK YOU  FOR WRITING THIS BOOK!


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