Thursday, December 16, 2010
Final Book Post
In our final paperclip, we just made a summary and the part we had to read. We said that it was messed up that his mom faked it out by saying I'm sorry for everything, let’s forget about it. Then he wants to hear his mom say it again so that he really knows she wasn’t lying. So she said it and cried. David also cried. As the inspector came and asked so many questions, then left. She became that evil devil again that David see's every single day. I couldn't imagine how she had acted it out. That was unbelievable in my opinion. I just wish that she should of at least stop somewhere. But the torture him on is childhood. I know that David Pelzer don't want to remember those days.
In the lit circle was getting better because everyone had said something that was and important part of the story. I think it gets everyone to talk and express their feelings and what they think about it. Well it starts off with people talking about something that makes others have thoughts just pop up. It helps one another to but we have to improve in taking turns because it is kind of rude. We should all take turns and don't cut one another so that everything to be perfect. If we keep on doing that, the people who got cut will get pissed one day.
In the next semester I just hope that it is related to the first because I love reading those types of books. I am willing to read the other one I think it is call the foster care, I think that - that is the one when he goes to a different city. I want to read it because when I read it I get a great understanding of the book. It makes more sense then the video because they cut parts of the story or add which was not in the book. That what makes me pissed about the video. I always wanted a book that I am interested because when I got this book I became so addicted to it I wanted to finish it the first day I got it. This makes me want to read more and I love it. THX agin Mr. Sutherland!
Respond to Rokhsor
When I seen this quote that Rokhsor said made me really into it:
I highly disagree with Rokhsor because I love that book ( it's maybe because that was the book i was only into) and I feel sorry for him and his life. have you seen what he had to go through. He had a life he never expected. which was tortured. Basically it's like boring that he gets abused. That's serious $#!% because its like your saying if someone is getting abused it's boring. It's not too. I would try to help that person at any type of point, name it and i'll do it idc.
I know that no one was listening to you because they were just trying to do good in the final, i bet. But i feel you in most of the way because everyday in our lit circle discussion it's always about us talking about his abuse and stuff like that. We talk about events and it is always about abusing because it is through out the whole book. like a part she got burned, the part he got anomia in to his throat, also that incident when he got stabbed.I know what you are talking about. I know you want to talk about other things but abuse, because its repetative and it seem like it's boring when it's repetative, like what im saying right now.
I read your whole blog and you said that, she is doing that to keep him strong. I just want to say this why does she want to only make David strong how about the rest. You know sometimes the web lies, there are a lot of fake things in the web and everyone knows that so i was just trying to bring that out because you may not know if your evidence is true or is wrong. Where's the proof sista? sorry if you think im being harsh to you ok, don't feel that way ok. love ya!! I just want to say that this is my favorite book ever and no one could stop it! I'm glad Mr.sutherland gave us this book. I'm starting to like reading a lot!
Wow, Child Called "It" is so boring.
I highly disagree with Rokhsor because I love that book ( it's maybe because that was the book i was only into) and I feel sorry for him and his life. have you seen what he had to go through. He had a life he never expected. which was tortured. Basically it's like boring that he gets abused. That's serious $#!% because its like your saying if someone is getting abused it's boring. It's not too. I would try to help that person at any type of point, name it and i'll do it idc.
I know that no one was listening to you because they were just trying to do good in the final, i bet. But i feel you in most of the way because everyday in our lit circle discussion it's always about us talking about his abuse and stuff like that. We talk about events and it is always about abusing because it is through out the whole book. like a part she got burned, the part he got anomia in to his throat, also that incident when he got stabbed.I know what you are talking about. I know you want to talk about other things but abuse, because its repetative and it seem like it's boring when it's repetative, like what im saying right now.
I read your whole blog and you said that, she is doing that to keep him strong. I just want to say this why does she want to only make David strong how about the rest. You know sometimes the web lies, there are a lot of fake things in the web and everyone knows that so i was just trying to bring that out because you may not know if your evidence is true or is wrong. Where's the proof sista? sorry if you think im being harsh to you ok, don't feel that way ok. love ya!! I just want to say that this is my favorite book ever and no one could stop it! I'm glad Mr.sutherland gave us this book. I'm starting to like reading a lot!
Friday, December 10, 2010
responding to Jazimine
Found this interesting quote from jasmine:
"I like this quote because everyone can relate to it. If we're all the same, it would be boring. Never follow anyone- be your own person. Set your own trends and follow your own dreams".
I am not going to be that guy in the street asking for change, imp not going to be that guy that sells drugs for a living and killing them self, and I am NOT the guy that going to buy drugs and mess up my life while I still have a change to follow my dreams and carrier. All you have to do is try instilling u get and I promise you that you will get the things that you deserve. I know i have a chance to be a better man then i am right now. While i grow up i will help thoses people that need to step up their game and be like me one time. I will help anyone anywhere anytime. I think that just be who you are and always believe in your dreams.
Finally, the test that i was talking about geometry that was my first test i ever passed in this school. I just have to believe in myslef everday and I'll hit them A's every day. Just believe, just be yourself, don't let no one judge you for who you are always BELIEVE!!! Later on you will see what i truely mean later in life!
2nd book post! A child called it
In this second paperclip of child called it was horrifying. Its starts off when the mother turns from a heaven mom to a hell mom in my opinion. Ok after she became bad she made him do choirs so that he can eat because his mom don't let him eat because she's a B****. She also flunked him for no reason; he said that “I had the happiest face on most of my papers". He was wondering how he could flunk. But he notices that his mom did that on purpose. Then she starts yelling at him saying that how could he flunk and that he's a disgrace from the family.
Days later, his mom didn’t give him food so then he had to throw the garbage away and it from it. It was that he didn’t have any other choice he needed to find a way to survive. That’s why he’s doing that. Then his mom notice that he be eating from the garbage so she put in spoiled salami, which was spoiled for 2 weeks. She did that so that he would get sick and stop eating from the garbage, which I think it is torture because he is trying to survive by eating from the garbage and now he can’t anymore because his mom found out so he look for another way.
At school days he would still other people food because he didn’t finish his choirs in time or he’s punished for no reason. He would go and steal other people food. Then the teachers caught him then they called his mom and he got a whooping. When he tried to steal their food they know that they are going to hide it from him. Then one day he plan on going to the store so that he can take crackers, he knew what to do. He ran everyday back home so that he can run faster then caulate the time from going to the store and back so that he won’t get caught because if he do his mom is going to torture him real bad!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Respond to chirsty!
I know you hate me for some reason right now, but all i want to say that every thing that you said on responding to Bassam post it is the same exact thing as me i swar to god.
Chirsty's Respond's to Bassam
Mr. Sutherland i just want to say that if you read this i already know what your going to say, so i'm going to say it now that this isn't a real counted post because i know it's not the format you wanted it to be so here.
Chirsty's Respond's to Bassam
Mr. Sutherland i just want to say that if you read this i already know what your going to say, so i'm going to say it now that this isn't a real counted post because i know it's not the format you wanted it to be so here.
I can relate to you! I do the same thing!. I love Facebook because it allows me to talk to people when I am bored, which is most of the time. Facebook helps me to contact the majority of my friends and if they don't have a phone yet I can message them if I needed help on something When I do homework, I usually get alot of notifications and I would eventually have to check it. Well actually I check and respond once someone comment or messages me right away. I don’t know why I do that, but yeah. Once I check what other people post on my wall it turns it into a 1 hour conversation leaving my homework hanging. Now I do finish my homework but I procrastinate alot which is bad. Sometimes I get in the mood to do homework without procrastinating but in the end I do start to procrastinate. When I need homework help I would ask my friends and the only why I can contact them is through Facebook and when I do ask them my friend and I start going off topic. I use Facebook sometimes to vent my feelings out and what my opinion on things are and my friends would help me and respond to my status and that gives me a feel of their opinions. Facebook = Gossiping. I came across alot of drama and arguing with on Facebook and it distracts me because it is interesting to read. Even though facebook is a distraction it fills in my boredom on the weekends or when I finish my homework early because I am able to talk to my friends without worrying that I have alot of homework to catch up or I would have to stop procrastinating. I get really bored easily thats because sometimes i don’t feel like going out and hanging with my friends or I don’t have a ride so I can just talk to my friends. I know that I seem lame but I’m really not. Well I think i am not lame. Anywho, Facebook is great for keeping your friends in contact but a great distraction when it comes to homework.All i want to say is that i do the same excat thing so dont worry just want to bring that out! And chirsty i'm sorry that your mad at me for something i don't remeber doing or that i did but didn't know it was about it. :(
Monday, December 6, 2010
Respond to Bassam Again!
In this quote that Bassam work I highly disagree:
I know that the Ipad has all those features and some other ones. But you didn't add the bad things in it like not having a camera. It's 2010 and apple doesn't even bother to put a camera in one of there devices. that is the only thing that is going to upgrade them to the other ipad. who knows the other version that will come out any time now will have a camera because that is the only other thing that it is missing. The ipad is one of the best things on earth "not counting it without a camera" because it has one of the best screen resolution i have ever seen i n my whole life. another thing is that it will amaze even bill gates because he would have never ever came up with it.
I disagree with you because you said that apple devices don't have camera, have you notice the iPhone 1,2,3, 4, i mac,i pod touch and i pod nano. How are going to dis apple like that and Bill gates, you may never know if Bill Gates never thought of that, and when you say that please make it clear that there is proof, i just want to tell you that u can't just say what you think unless if its shown like: In my opinion or i think. But i want to say right here that i love all apples devices AND MAKE SURE THAT YOU GOT IT THAT NOT ALL DEVICES DON'T HAVE CAMERA, BECAUSE THEY DO MAKE SURE BEFORE YOU SAY IT.
I want to bring this out but Bassam i can tell a 100% that you just rushed threw this so that you can get it over with but hey your not learning anything but just doing your work with out checking it. Just because you think its easy at least try, make it more productive then it is because i know that you didn't take your time on this i grantee it. I always so notice that you don't fix your caps because in every first word in a sentence have to be capital but it don't fix it like other programs but at least fix it up a little.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
A Child Called "It"
In this story A Child Called "It" it’s about a boy whose life was great in the beginning. But as he got older it became a disaster, like everything just when from a happy family to an abusive family. This story is kind of harsh to others because there is a lot of critical abusive. For an example like when his mom gets very pissed at something he does harsh things to her son but only one of their sons I guess it's because she says that he is a disgrace in their family just because he flunked the 1st grade. Then the mother gets pissed on something and she gets her angry out on her son, like she would hit him until he gets knocked out she would burn him she would stab him. I feel sorry for the boy.
In my opinion I would of been ran away from home and never come back. But anyways her mom made him do choirs so that he can eat food like breakfast and dinner. When he never gets breakfast he goes to school and steal other kid’s food to survive or when he doesn't eat for two days or so. His dad always try to help him but then his mother angry always won, because the dad hates angry and whenever he try to help him out she tortures him in front of him and he just gives up on his own son which in my opinion is very cruel to give on your own son, the one you made, the one you loved. I give effort to the dad because he tried to help the boy out because he knew it was wrong for him to be treated like that.
All I have to say when I have a son or a daughter I swear I will do anything for them I will kill my self for them and if the mother of my child was like the same mother in this book, I would of never let this happen I don't care what anyone say. I will kick her out the house I will call the police to take her to jail and I will divorce her ass. I would never like to see her in my life. I want to say that I am a good person I will do good things for good people but for the bad people I would go against them. I just want to say I would never do that to anyone or I will kill my self or do something to stop it. I'll do no matter what for them!
:)!!!I MEAN IT!!!:)
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