Thursday, September 2, 2010


“Cons On Medical Marijuana”

Medical marijuana has been a way for people to get help, but can be an easy way to get addicted.

Facts about the quotes and opinions listed bellow: So we know notice that marijuana is really helpful for people that are in medical care. But when we notice that people think they need it but they use it in a different ways basically like smoking it or selling it which people do that for money and do other types of illegal things.

People take advantage of the medical help that they can get. Some can become addicted to it, and it can lead to others getting addicted as well.

Medical marijuana can help people, but must be used with maturity.If you use it with maturity I am pretty sure that there will be no problem because its been tested so use it carefully and recommended. But if you use it in another way instead it was recommended their might be a serious reaction that may kill you or seriously damage your body so use it as recommended.

First fact is listed below: “EVIDENCE”
“Increased heartbeat.
Generally, it slows down in about 20 minutes.
Drop of the pressure in your eyeball.
Change of blood pressure.
Sense of cold or hot hands and feet.
Discoloration of the white of the eye to somewhat pink because of dilation of the vessels in the conjunctiva of the eye.
Relaxation of the muscles.
A dry mouth.”

Second fact is listed below:”EVIDENCE”

“THC affects the nerve cells in the part of the brain where memories are formed. This makes it hard for the user to recall recent events (such as what happened a few minutes ago). It is hard to learn while high - a working short-term memory is required for learning and performing tasks that call for more than one or two steps.

Among a group of long-time heavy marijuana users in Costa Rica, researchers found that the people had great trouble when asked to recall a short list of words (a standard test of memory). People in that study group also found it very hard to focus their attention on the tests given to them.

As people age, they normally lose nerve cells in a region of the brain that is important for remembering events. Chronic exposure to THC may hasten the age-related loss of these nerve cells. In one study, researchers found that rats exposed to THC every day for 8 months (about 1/3 of their lifespan), showed a loss of brain cells comparable to rats that were twice their age.

It is not known whether a similar effect occurs in humans. Researchers are still learning about the many ways that marijuana could affect the brain.”

Third fact is listed below:”EVIDENCE”

“Studies of marijuana's mental effects show that the drug can impair or reduce short-term memory, alter sense of time, and reduce ability to do things which require concentration, swift reactions, and coordination, such as driving a car or operating machinery.”

1 comment:

  1. First of all: thanks for including quotes to back up your arguments, but it's extremely important that you say where they come from. Please add that info, with links if possible.

    Secondly, I want your writing to get clearer. I "hear" you putting sentences together that are more complicated than they need to be. Here's an example:

    "Medical Marijuana has been a way in order for people to be able to get medical help, but has been a way that can be an easy way to get drug."

    I understand what you're saying, but the way to get clearer in this case is to use fewer words. Cut a few out, change one, and you get this result:

    Medical marijuana has been a way for people to get help, but can be an easy way to get addicted.

    Hear the difference?
