Friday, March 11, 2011

House on Mango Street Symbolism For Red/Pink

So i am going to talk about "The House on Mango Street" well i think it is basically about symbols she leads out to us readers. We found a couple of them but i bet the is plenty more then what we found. She is smart by bring out lots of vignettes basically random ones i guess she did that so then it grabs us readers attenion. That is a pretty smart way to i think. Well today I am going to be talking about one of her symbols i think it is interesting thats why i chose it and it is red/pink. I pick this one because red to me brings a lot of things in my head.

So in the story it talks a lot about the colors red/pink which is two beatiful colors. I think that it symbols death to her and bunch of other things i said it was death because she mention that one of her neighbors told her husband not to sell the apartment and when she died he sold it right away and thats one thing that occured to me durring that moment i read it. It also shows something about her beauty because she was talking about she went to a dance and she wore a red dress and she said it grabbed a boy attention who i think she like or something not so sure but it symbolize lots of things because think about it how many things in the world is red lots and lots so basically millions of things pops in people head when they think about red or pink. But i guess that she is trying to lead us into something i think is incredible about her life and herself.

She has a lot of symbols she wants us readers to look for so then we can receive the message she is trying to show us basically thats what i think. She is a smart person and i guess she is poor to because of all of the places she had move but because of that it gave her an adventure she never experinced before. Which mde her make this book and became someone. Thats what they say good things haPpen to good people.

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