Friday, March 25, 2011

Cisnero Difference between genders

Cisnero would answer the question in a more productive way. I think because she always talks about herself and that shows a difference between men and women. Most of her vignettes are based upon her and I guess when she writes a vignette it just expresses her feeling and what happen during her day. She always has something to say but always in a different way. What I like about her is that she basically shows but don’t tell and that’s what make their readers get into it. She has many things to say about both genders but she says it in a different way where the reader have to zoom in the story and read it like 3 to 4 times so then they get what she is trying to say.
In some way she explains about other genders and how they are and different. Like this quote she says “Is good girl, my friend, studies all night and sees the mice, the ones her father says do not exist” (p.32) this shows that girls are suppose to do what they have to do like choirs and working in the kitchen so they can fix us a full plate of food. As girl’s she is the one who is supposed to go to school and get a great education. That is what they are supposed to do as other people explained it during class. Also another one is “Since she comes right after me, she is my responsibility” Cisneros believes that patients need girls to be more responsible so that they can raise a good family. That shows a really big difference because it shows what boys do and girls.

Overall, it shows differences that other people cannot explain. She has a lot of details about different gender and she explains it in a significant ways. I could not believe how good she compares them I have not seen nothing that good. I like how she don’t tell and show because she explains a lot and puts it in good detail. That is also I very significant way and explains a lot and I makes sense.

1 comment:

  1. Two big comments. One, BEFORE your quotes, you need a little more intro. Who are they talking about? What vignettes are they from? Without some background, it's really hard to tell what you're talking about.

    Two, just because an author writes something in a story does not mean that they automatically agree with it. I feel like you're looking at these quotes and just assuming that Cisneros' words can just be taken at face value. But what if she's describing stuff that she DOESN'T agree with, by showing how it's not fair to the girls? What if she thinks that girls SHOULDN'T necessarily be expected to "be more responsible"? Doesn't that mean she'd have to believe that it's ok for boys to be LESS responsible? Why would she believe that?
