Friday, April 1, 2011

Looking Through Great Vignettes

     As i was looking through some vignettes I see some comparison in some like Yen Nguyen, Vinh Hang Liang, and Christy Nghe. I seen that they all were writing about names which is common because of the Vignettes of The House of Mango Street had made a vignette just like it. I seen in Yen and Christy talk about how they do now like their own names but then later they do. Here is Yen quote "Sometimes I ask my parents why they named me such a weird name." Another one is " My name represents who I am.  I can’t give up who I am.  My name is mine." When i read this a lot of things popped in my mine but the first one was what inspired you to like your name after you said sort of negative things about it. In my opinion i never met a Yen before so i am glad i did and its not common so now you have to represent your self like you have to do something outrageous so people can remember you like " ooo yea you talking about Yen dang he was the $#!% after he did _____".
As i read Vihn vignette his first sentence grab my attention. Which was "Different name may held different meanings". It grabbed my attention because it is something true that is common and people really want to know why is it important for people to have different names and meaning. In my opinion one of the reason i am guessing is religion because some religion have to force them into having a name that is important to they're religion. Like my religion our profit is name Mohammad and some parents made their child name that because of religion. By the way i also liked how you have a lot of examples to explain for your vignette it makes it flow in a perfect way where people can get your idea.
While reading Christy vignette she brings a lot of comments that makes her happy about her name which 
were "This is good because I know a lot of people that have the same names which I wouldn’t be pleased to have. I would want to be different." I would agree because it would be weird if there was two of me basically we would be doing the same thing because of our personality. It can be bad because if you have a personality that is terrible like mean and annoying then basically you would just do it to your self. That is why i highly agree.

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