Tuesday, April 12, 2011

2nd Review of the OUTSIDERS

What was the author's purpose(s) in writing this book, and how can you tell? How well was this purpose achieved?  
     As reading through the book i sort of see what the other is really trying to show us in my opinion. I think that it is about care for each other I am talking about Ponyboy Curtis, Sodapop Curtis, and Darry Curtis. Because they're parents died in a car accident so now Darry who is the oldest is in charge of everything that is happening. Darry have two jobs because there would not be anyone else to support them. He works to give them food so they would not be sad all the time because there parents ussaly give them food and make it but they are not there. So that is why i think that the author is trying to say look how important carring is and if they were not taking care of each other they would get in a big mess or even to death because the symbols of their gang.

     Carrying is a good thing for the family because i know that it would not be great if one of your brothers or sisters die. (just trying to get to the point this is an example) Anyways they are so worried about each other because they do not want anymore people from their family to die. That is all they have is each other. Here is a quote were it showed that Darry cared about Ponyboy as he left his house for 5 days
"Oh, Pony, I thought we'd lost you . . . like we did Mom and Dad . . ."
this shows a lot of love in my opinion and it also showing that he really cares about him because he does not want anyone from his family to pass away because he Darry said that his Mom and Dad are enough.

     I think that this was well achieved because it does not just show one place where the other one cares about each other there is many different places like when Ponyboy was getting jumped his brother and the whole Greasers came to have his back. There is many different places where there is love and carrying but i am just naming the main thing that had me almost in a tear drop. Which is the one above.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Response to Adralyn

     As i was reading one of my groups which is Adralyn Zulu mini review about her book I found something interesting that grab my attention which was:
Not trying to say something wrong but most people know black women as people with bog booty and big boobs. So when a women like that is trying to be in something where some men think they can use them to get a little something they want.
     The first sentence grab my attention because she is saying that most African American have big booty and big boobs. I just want to ask a question does it matter about how the body looks like and how it is appeared. Basically, I disagree because there might be some other people with different ethnicity that have that body shape.It is wrong to said that I know for some people it causes attraction but still your basically saying that African American have the most how do you know where is your proof. I know that i sound like i am in a rebuttal but i am just saying. When i say i disagree i do not mean like "WTF she hella stupid no they don't have big booty and big boobs" thats is just not me i would of said that personal to you but i know that you will know i am playing because we always play like that.

     In my opinion i could of said yes but people will be like oo Saber i see you trying to holla and they would think i am a perve for check out people body.  But i am not saying anything negative about African American body shape. All i am saying that they are not the only person that have shapes like that there are many ethnicity you do not even know so you can not just bring it out like that. I would of agreed with you if you had prove to back it up but i am guessing you do and i am also guessing that you rushed on this and put personal thoughts into but make sure that you know what your saying. It is wrong because you have not seen others ethnicity, also that is the main reason why i had to disagree with you on that.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The First Test Run of the Ousiders

What was the author's purpose(s) in writing this book, and how can you tell? How well was this purpose achieved?
     In this story "The OUTSIDERS" by S.E Hinton is about gangs, also I think that the purpose is the comparison and contrast between both gangs. The gangs are Greasers and Socials. They are both gangs and they are pretty tough. ("Tuff") But Greasers are poor they do not have money like the Socials do, Socials have weapons like knives and other type which is not named yet in the story which i have not reached yet. Anyways, the Greasers have knives but they do not carry it all the time, and when they do not have it all the time they just find a glass bottle and break the end of it so then it can become spiky and sharp. Socials always have weapons with them the never have to use a bottle because they are too rich to Greasers.  By the way, they usually fight with their own fist because they just want to give each other pain for now they do not want to kill them. Anyways the purpose was achieved because i can already tell what the whole story is about because of the first chapter. They basically try to show who is a better gang and why.

      Basically, in the story it is based upon how they are, safety and the most important is caring for Greasers. By saying how they are meaning their looks and how it makes them a Greaser, what makes them a is Greasing their hair back. What make a Social is their close and their objects, their close is a blue madras shirt also their object is their mustang. The Greasers always need a weapon with them because they are always getting jumped or they will need another group member because one of the Greasers got jumped and the while team came and scared the Socials away. Caring is the last thing because the three main people in the story their names are Darry Curtis whos the oldest brother, Sodapop Curtis second to oldest, and Ponyboy Curtis the youngest. Their parents died in a car accident which makes Darry do all the hard work because he has a job that gives him muscle spasm.

     Overall, as the part I read Ponyboy who is the main main character thinks that his big brother Darry is an ass but he really is not because all he do wanting the best of him and always worrying about him since their is no one else to except Sodapop here is a quote from Sodapop have to say about Darry because of Ponyboy's life "Listen, kiddo, when Darry hollers at you . . . he don't mean nothin'. He's just got more worries than somebody his age ought to. Don't take him serious . . . you dig, Pony? He's really proud of you 'cause you're so brainy. It's just because you're the baby-I mean, he loves you a lot." As people can see is that Darry is just caring about his little brother by yelling at him and teaching him the bad things and the rights things. Darry is just trying to be the bigger man as he is trying to be so he can take care of his brothers which is one of the main point of the story.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Looking Through Great Vignettes

     As i was looking through some vignettes I see some comparison in some like Yen Nguyen, Vinh Hang Liang, and Christy Nghe. I seen that they all were writing about names which is common because of the Vignettes of The House of Mango Street had made a vignette just like it. I seen in Yen and Christy talk about how they do now like their own names but then later they do. Here is Yen quote "Sometimes I ask my parents why they named me such a weird name." Another one is " My name represents who I am.  I can’t give up who I am.  My name is mine." When i read this a lot of things popped in my mine but the first one was what inspired you to like your name after you said sort of negative things about it. In my opinion i never met a Yen before so i am glad i did and its not common so now you have to represent your self like you have to do something outrageous so people can remember you like " ooo yea you talking about Yen dang he was the $#!% after he did _____".
As i read Vihn vignette his first sentence grab my attention. Which was "Different name may held different meanings". It grabbed my attention because it is something true that is common and people really want to know why is it important for people to have different names and meaning. In my opinion one of the reason i am guessing is religion because some religion have to force them into having a name that is important to they're religion. Like my religion our profit is name Mohammad and some parents made their child name that because of religion. By the way i also liked how you have a lot of examples to explain for your vignette it makes it flow in a perfect way where people can get your idea.
While reading Christy vignette she brings a lot of comments that makes her happy about her name which 
were "This is good because I know a lot of people that have the same names which I wouldn’t be pleased to have. I would want to be different." I would agree because it would be weird if there was two of me basically we would be doing the same thing because of our personality. It can be bad because if you have a personality that is terrible like mean and annoying then basically you would just do it to your self. That is why i highly agree.

Looking into AMAZING people post

     As i was looking in to Luis Alba blogs and Fermin Carrera i can see their relationships. I can see it because they are both most of the time talk about the same thing. What they just really talk about is living in Oakland and describing it in a way like a good way and a negative way well as Fermin says in his other blogs is that "there is many gang members in Oakland and if you wear a certain color then you might get shot or badly wounded" (Mr.Sutherland can you teach me how to quote things because its not working for some reason which is really annoying and also the link is screwing up too) I am going to agree with Fermin because I see fights at school which was my Middle school and because of stupid things.

     Now, I am going to talk about the comparison. I think that the comparison about Fermin and Luis is about their city and how it is good and bad which I highly agree about that because there is lots of ups and downs. Luis says "Oakland is dangerous for you only if for certain reasons. If you are involved in drug deals, gangs, or maybe in the wrong places at wrong times." That is one of the comparisons i have compared with Fermin and Luis, is that it is bad in Oakland for certain reasons i am guessing they have more to say but they just did not put it down on blogger, anyways the comparison is about how Oakland is terrible in ways. Here is another quote from Luis as he expresses how great Oakland is "Oakland is a great place to live at. If you may not know, I live in Oakland. Oakland is so much fun, so many things to do all day. You can go walking around, play sports, or just hang out with some friends. There are many places where you can go, the park, stores, or just outside." This is true because that is what I do everyday I come out of ASTI because I be bored to death just doing work everyday its bs. Also Fermin have something good to say about Oakland here it is "Luis says that Oakland is so much fun. That there are so many things you can do like walk around, plays sports, or just hang out with your friends. These are some activities that I do," As you can see they agree with eachother but they dont fully agree with everything they think about Oakland as Fermin said in his blog "Well we have a different perspective toward Oakland." I am going to disagree with Fermin because you guys have common things about Oakland that you guys describe in your blog just review your blogs and you will see i know you guys just want to hurry up and finish your homework so you can get it over with but look what you said from the pass.

      Okay, now my opinion about Oakland. Now Oakland is a balance city because its always good and always bad. One week you see kids on the street playing and you hear loud good music and then next week you hear gun shots, police out side, helicopter, and criminals hollering. Well, I like Oakland because its my hometown and i have lived here enough and why should i leave now. I know we see lots of gangs which is really common but you cant tell now and days if they are. Oakland have literally changed i have not seen police arrest anyone near my house anymore which is great. Oakland is terrible and sometimes careful. It seems like Oakland is bipolar. Also Luis be lucky you do not see things go down like before and Fermin just hang in there do not stay outside where you live is dangerous because my cousin live next to you and they told me a lot of things about that area.