Friday, January 14, 2011


     i hate it when there is not a good topic to respond about, like that is interesting everyone just write what ever topic in my opinion i think that most people agree with me because there is a lot of topics but not intresting! Either like if its an event was horrifing or funny post it but dont say anything that is boring! i just hate it and you wont learn nothing at all! Well i can tell there is a lot of people who trying to get this over with and do what ever they like but hey you aint learning $#!%. Excuse my language but it kind of is! So as i was looking in reader there is some blog that is so boring it makes you want to die but im just saying yall can do better than that! Just take your time bring an specific event that you think others would respond to! Like a debate think see peoples opinion about the debate! But just dont be really random!

     I seen post that are really good but im not saying everyone is bad its just you need to take time and if you do you will have the best blog ever this goes out to everyone! Well I just looking for a topic like something really important about the world and what happen like in the news! I'm just trying to list couple of things right now for people to get idea in what to do that they thing its intersting!

     Well I'm not trying to hate at all dont think of it that way im just saying. I go to blog post sometimes im bored, and i take my time. I go sometimes if im like emotional and i just go on blog post to express my feeling and the events i have face that have brought me to this emotion. I'm looking for a responds right now and i hate it when you dont find one that you like and then it turns midnight then its all bad! no credit at all for what you did! So if people take there time then they are THE BEST EVA!

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