Friday, January 28, 2011

Rebutal to aleah

In our rebutal me and Aleah said that facebook is good in so many different way which makes us against people that are haters to facebook. I found some link that people said that facebook is important. heres some:
Why is Facebook Important?
I am still going to find a lot of links but im just trying to say that the best thing about facebook it keeps you contacted with your friends from other countries or states like if you dont see them every day then theres a good reason you should have a facebook. It even tells you in the begining to connect with friends. People who have true friends then they are the person who should get a facebook. I have a feeling that there will be a lot of people saying that facebook is addicted and that people can't concentrate because they need to be on it instead of doing homework. Facebook is sort of bad and sort of good so then its normal to me because they're is a couple of bad things about it and good. It's hard for me for this topic because i have a lot of bad things to say and a lot of good things. I should of took an easier topic.

I love facebook so much because if your bored you will go there and talk to friends or do something fun. It helps you on many things and it just keeps you entertained most of the time. Facebook help everyone if facebook is bad then why do billions of people have facebook then. This is a true thing if people that hate facebook then why have one. I bet that in our debate there are going to be people saying that facebook is bad and they have one for their selfs i wonder why are they going to complain about it if they have one it doesn't make any sense. I know you try to make a point but if you dont like it don't get on. Facebook keeps you happy of what your friends tell you and family like birthdays it tells you then everyone starts writing happy birthday on your wall. They're is even events to facebook which a lot of A.S.T.I students are doing so they can make a fundraiser for school which is smart because they not just tell A.S.T.I students but everyone and thats a great way to make money and a smart way thats why facebook is the best.

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