In our rebutal me and Aleah said that facebook is good in so many different way which makes us against people that are haters to facebook. I found some link that people said that facebook is important. heres some:
Why is Facebook Important?
I am still going to find a lot of links but im just trying to say that the best thing about facebook it keeps you contacted with your friends from other countries or states like if you dont see them every day then theres a good reason you should have a facebook. It even tells you in the begining to connect with friends. People who have true friends then they are the person who should get a facebook. I have a feeling that there will be a lot of people saying that facebook is addicted and that people can't concentrate because they need to be on it instead of doing homework. Facebook is sort of bad and sort of good so then its normal to me because they're is a couple of bad things about it and good. It's hard for me for this topic because i have a lot of bad things to say and a lot of good things. I should of took an easier topic.
I love facebook so much because if your bored you will go there and talk to friends or do something fun. It helps you on many things and it just keeps you entertained most of the time. Facebook help everyone if facebook is bad then why do billions of people have facebook then. This is a true thing if people that hate facebook then why have one. I bet that in our debate there are going to be people saying that facebook is bad and they have one for their selfs i wonder why are they going to complain about it if they have one it doesn't make any sense. I know you try to make a point but if you dont like it don't get on. Facebook keeps you happy of what your friends tell you and family like birthdays it tells you then everyone starts writing happy birthday on your wall. They're is even events to facebook which a lot of A.S.T.I students are doing so they can make a fundraiser for school which is smart because they not just tell A.S.T.I students but everyone and thats a great way to make money and a smart way thats why facebook is the best.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
This Goes to Everyone who got hurt by words in blogger
Listen everyone don't worry about what anyone says about you. Because if you do will will always feel said. I know sometime you can't resisted it but we all have to be strong and show our powers how strong will all are from the inside. I'll don't care about what anyone said about me because i make my self look stupid just to make you all laugh and thats what i like doing so don't let anyone to judge you for who you are be your self at all time. If i didn't care about anyone who got hurt from blogger i wouldn't be writing this down. It's so sad what i heard yesterday about others it struck me from the inside and i felt sorry for everyone at that moment so just keep up your emotion be strong.
Everyone should know since we're at A.S.T.I. we all are like families no one can break that apart. So asti people be smart about what you say don't make harsh opinions or just don't disagree because the person your disagreeing on might take in a wrong way but say it politly so then you can tell what they did wrong ok. Everyone at asti your GRRRRRR EAT!!!! REMEBER WE ALL ARE FAMILIES THE WHOLE COMMUNITIES!!!!
Everyone should know since we're at A.S.T.I. we all are like families no one can break that apart. So asti people be smart about what you say don't make harsh opinions or just don't disagree because the person your disagreeing on might take in a wrong way but say it politly so then you can tell what they did wrong ok. Everyone at asti your GRRRRRR EAT!!!! REMEBER WE ALL ARE FAMILIES THE WHOLE COMMUNITIES!!!!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The Color Purple - Quickwrite
In my opinion, I think that Celie believes in God because she has no one else to believe and look up to. Her life is filled with abuse and so much hate from others, the only thing she has left is God.She always call God because she has no one else in her life that even cares about her. Well her charater traits is that she is smart person and that she believes in god for a reason because she know that god might help her out sooner or later. She has been calling for god all of her letters so then her misery can stop as fast as posible.
Celie has been living a very harsh life she has been raped two times by her own father. The first time she got raped because his wife couldn't do it anymore. As she got raped and had her baby she thought to her slef that her father had killed the baby in the woods. The second time she thought he did the same thing but he didnt. Then she got married and think that she had seen her other daughter that was dead but she wasnt she went to her and said "hey Olivia" even though that wasnt her name but she wanted it to be her name. She wanted it to be her name because she knew that, thats was her daughter she knew it because she said "she look like my dad and she has my eyes".
In conclusion, this story is based about Celie and god because she always writes letters to him to help her. I think that she is saying that because she is waiting for God to help her out. Maybe God helped her out before and she wants it to happen again to live a normal life like other People in the world. Life has been so hard for her its torture she has no one to talk to but God and by talking to god she thinks that something is going to happen like what she wanted from God all this time.
Celie has been living a very harsh life she has been raped two times by her own father. The first time she got raped because his wife couldn't do it anymore. As she got raped and had her baby she thought to her slef that her father had killed the baby in the woods. The second time she thought he did the same thing but he didnt. Then she got married and think that she had seen her other daughter that was dead but she wasnt she went to her and said "hey Olivia" even though that wasnt her name but she wanted it to be her name. She wanted it to be her name because she knew that, thats was her daughter she knew it because she said "she look like my dad and she has my eyes".
In conclusion, this story is based about Celie and god because she always writes letters to him to help her. I think that she is saying that because she is waiting for God to help her out. Maybe God helped her out before and she wants it to happen again to live a normal life like other People in the world. Life has been so hard for her its torture she has no one to talk to but God and by talking to god she thinks that something is going to happen like what she wanted from God all this time.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Hey Mr.Sutherland i changed mine from wikileaks to facebook benifits! yea u no wut i mean!
On my topic of debate is:
I think this is very social because a lot of people have an account and its good because it keeps you in touch with people you dont see on a regular basis. Also it can help you express your feeling and when you need someone to talk to instead of you family members you can talk to your friends instead.So then when you have someone to talk to you wont feel left out anymore and as you and your friend finish talking you will be happy or be on a normal mode which is like not sad or happy.
In conclusion, i think facebook help people out. Also about five minutes ago I haven't this girl in a couple of years and i didn't notice her and she said duhh you no me remember in the 7th grade i said yea i just didn't see your face. It brings back fun memories, sometimes it brings back memories you don't want to think about anymore.I think facebook is very helpful because it helps you in many different way and it keeps the happiness going up like all the games and if your bored talk to a friend thats why i think facebook
On my topic of debate is:
Are online social networks (Facebook, etc.) overall more harmful or more beneficial to society?Well, in my opinion i think it is helpful in a way. Ok a way that it is helpful is, like what if someone forgot to write down the homework for school and asked his friend to tell him what it was. That's one way that facebook benefits to society. I think its very helpful because its like a calender because you can put events and stuff like that. It is like a replacable planner because if you lose your planner then you have a temporary on just in case something happens. That is some of the reason why facebook is beneficial. Facebook is a good place help help others like family members also friends, well like if they dont get how to do a homework they will get help from other friends and also like even your self if you don't get it you ask your friend while. As you both are online then you can do your homework together and check on eachothers work.
I think this is very social because a lot of people have an account and its good because it keeps you in touch with people you dont see on a regular basis. Also it can help you express your feeling and when you need someone to talk to instead of you family members you can talk to your friends instead.So then when you have someone to talk to you wont feel left out anymore and as you and your friend finish talking you will be happy or be on a normal mode which is like not sad or happy.
In conclusion, i think facebook help people out. Also about five minutes ago I haven't this girl in a couple of years and i didn't notice her and she said duhh you no me remember in the 7th grade i said yea i just didn't see your face. It brings back fun memories, sometimes it brings back memories you don't want to think about anymore.I think facebook is very helpful because it helps you in many different way and it keeps the happiness going up like all the games and if your bored talk to a friend thats why i think facebook
Saturday, January 15, 2011
respond to "SMART BIANCA" i mean it she is smart
This is what Bianca said
They just look at you like nothing happen but not all the time and i think she wrote this because of todays sub. I guess she seen people acting up in algabra 2 class because i seen every1 come out of there so happy like it was a dream come trues so that is why i believe in most of the things bianca says.
During the fall months at high school guidance counseling programs, juniors run to the stage to participate in an exercise to try and help them understand that it is not “where you go” that matters. They hold posters featuring the names and faces of famous people while their peers and parents shout out with confidence the names of elite colleges they assume the celebrities attended.I agree with her with everything because its true if it was an ASTI teacher we would have our mouth shut to our lips! I even act out im not even going to lie about that i speak honesty because its against my religion! I even tell my friends sometimes like is it fun they always said yes not even one time they said no! Then i soon as i get in i acted up which i really need to change!
They just look at you like nothing happen but not all the time and i think she wrote this because of todays sub. I guess she seen people acting up in algabra 2 class because i seen every1 come out of there so happy like it was a dream come trues so that is why i believe in most of the things bianca says.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Elite College
I think that the best debate was David W. Breneman because in his opinion he said
Well i think that Martha O'Connell didnt explain her point in my opinion because we dont really care about the "ohh" and "ahhs" we carea bout the college we got to! this is what she said.
The faculty at highly ranked research universities, public and private, tend to focus heavily on research and graduate education, with undergraduate education a distant third. For aggressive undergraduates who know exactly what they want, such a setting may be ideal, as they will find ways to come to the attention of faculty.also about this quote is truely right because it depends on rank and what college school you got and i think that there is some college that wont teach you that well. But if you went to an smart high school like ASTI then you would go to most of the greatest colleges well i think in my opinion! In asti it teaches you how to be a college student so you can be use too it and thats why i agree with David.
Well i think that Martha O'Connell didnt explain her point in my opinion because we dont really care about the "ohh" and "ahhs" we carea bout the college we got to! this is what she said.
During the fall months at high school guidance counseling programs, juniors run to the stage to participate in an exercise to try and help them understand that it is not “where you go” that matters. They hold posters featuring the names and faces of famous people while their peers and parents shout out with confidence the names of elite colleges they assume the celebrities attended.So it doesn't matter about the parents shouting out but it matters about what college your going to so thats y i picked this as the least favorite. She is like talking a little bit off topic and it should be why is it important about college and why it is not.
i hate it when there is not a good topic to respond about, like that is interesting everyone just write what ever topic in my opinion i think that most people agree with me because there is a lot of topics but not intresting! Either like if its an event was horrifing or funny post it but dont say anything that is boring! i just hate it and you wont learn nothing at all! Well i can tell there is a lot of people who trying to get this over with and do what ever they like but hey you aint learning $#!%. Excuse my language but it kind of is! So as i was looking in reader there is some blog that is so boring it makes you want to die but im just saying yall can do better than that! Just take your time bring an specific event that you think others would respond to! Like a debate think see peoples opinion about the debate! But just dont be really random!
I seen post that are really good but im not saying everyone is bad its just you need to take time and if you do you will have the best blog ever this goes out to everyone! Well I just looking for a topic like something really important about the world and what happen like in the news! I'm just trying to list couple of things right now for people to get idea in what to do that they thing its intersting!
Well I'm not trying to hate at all dont think of it that way im just saying. I go to blog post sometimes im bored, and i take my time. I go sometimes if im like emotional and i just go on blog post to express my feeling and the events i have face that have brought me to this emotion. I'm looking for a responds right now and i hate it when you dont find one that you like and then it turns midnight then its all bad! no credit at all for what you did! So if people take there time then they are THE BEST EVA!
I seen post that are really good but im not saying everyone is bad its just you need to take time and if you do you will have the best blog ever this goes out to everyone! Well I just looking for a topic like something really important about the world and what happen like in the news! I'm just trying to list couple of things right now for people to get idea in what to do that they thing its intersting!
Well I'm not trying to hate at all dont think of it that way im just saying. I go to blog post sometimes im bored, and i take my time. I go sometimes if im like emotional and i just go on blog post to express my feeling and the events i have face that have brought me to this emotion. I'm looking for a responds right now and i hate it when you dont find one that you like and then it turns midnight then its all bad! no credit at all for what you did! So if people take there time then they are THE BEST EVA!
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