Friday, October 29, 2010


Saber Saleh
Mr. Sutherland

    For this first semester I was basically still use to middle school and that's why my grades were really bad. For my blogs I usually right what I do in life and what is making me screw up in school. I was just not doing my work and I usually make people laugh at my jokes or even at me being very foolish. I do things like this just to make friends and to make people happy and that's what makes me happy. I don't want to see anyone mad or sad or my emotions will be the same. Well this semester is not going to happen to the first one because I really think I improved and learned a lot of things so I know how to do it. I even learned more than middle school from this first semester because at middle school there have been a lot of distractions. Like fights and arguments and even yelling they are always disobeying the rules. Basically I am writing about my grades, soccer, how this blog helps me in writing, and life most of the time.
    This last semester was really bad for me because I didn't know anything. I didn't know anything because at my last middle school there were so many distractions. Like someone is talking to another and they just keep on jeebedning and jabbing about whatever. That's some of the reasons why I had a bad grade this semester which I’m really pissed about. I manage to do better than I did this semester. I won’t manage. I will for sure I’ll do whatever it takes to change it. Another reason why I did badly at school is that I try to make people laugh just to keep their smiles up and I think that super affected my grades. I always was trying to be cool not doing my homework because I thought it was just going to be easy like middle school but now I know that this school is no joke either raising my grades up or get out of here. But I won’t let that happen because I told my Principal that I will try as hard as I can next semester.

    Then my second thing that I talk about my blog is soccer. Because I play every Friday with teachers and student. Which is very fun because i always get the ball even though i don’t try? Then when I try I never get the ball it never comes my way for some reason. I think that people don't like passing the ball to me because I shake people and all they want is to score and make a goal which I think is not fun. So as I play soccer I get to have something to write about on my blog it always improves my skills outside of school because I can make the story have a good sequence. I can describe it very well because it’s what I did and it’s all of my actions. It is also most of my events this year.

    Then my second to last thing I talk about in my blog is my life. I chose my life because I get mad when I don't do things I want to do or is something unfair. That really makes me pissed because my brother is nice and he have good grades and they give him whatever he want. Even if he didn’t ask for it and that irritates me. Because he can make me mad about anything because he knows that if I try to make him mad he will do the same back. He’s a smart kid and maybe that's why he gets all these things. This helps me to because people can comment on my blog and give me advices about what should I do. The next time I try to do something whenever I need advices. Then I won’t ask anyone in my family to help me and anyways they don’t even help they always have an excuse.

    Finally, this blog have helped me in writing because I never use to write anything like this before. In Middle School they just made us copy whatever, it always use to be easy because basically you don't do nothing there all you do is write what every down on the board and just put it in a piece of paper and throw it away later. But not this school because they are organizes and they are here to teach us and make sure that we learn something before we leave school. It’s because it’s a college prep school. In this school the first day I came to A.S.T.I I think I learned more than my middle school year epically in writing. Here in A.S.T.I we always write about something that is related to school or something that is going to relate about school later in life.
In conclusion, I know that I will do better this semester because I threw away all the things that had distracted me. I will make sure that I can write and essay that is 100% at least more than 5 time this year. It will be difficult but I will try my best I don’t care if I don’t get it I will keep on reading the question over and over. I will do all my work so that my grades will be better than the first semester. I believe that one day I will be a successful person when I grow up I am going to have a good life and a great future. My goals are to write about anything that’s helps me on my blog. I will make writing a daily thing in my school year this year even though it’s not my homework I will still right all the events I did which I will be happy to spread it out to others.  Another goal is that I am going to be a better writer on my blog right now as I am.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


The Conflict
The main conflict in this story of “of Mice and Men” and author Steinbeck John and this story is about character v.s fate. Most of the time George and Lennie always talked about how they are going to have a barn with chickens, big vegetable, and rabbits for Lennie to tend. They always imaged it in their mind but it never really happen so that is the reason  why  fate was my choice . Because it really shows that they are the person that is going to work in a ranch so its basically the opposite of whatever they say about other people which they really are talking about their self's. That is also a reason that my option was choosing fate because they really think their going to get something but they won’t they always imagined it but it never happened yet so that is why  my option is fate because theres a lot of detail that just pops up in mine about it.
Then during the 1st chapter pg. 14 it says “ well” said George, “we’ll have a big vegetable patch and a rabbit hutch and chickens”. This shows that they always thought about doing it but never did. They were o.k. with it when they had a job so that they can work and get the barn they always had fated on. Then Lennie will be really happy because he will get a chance to tend all the animals like the chickens, rabbits, and dogs.Then he will get the chance to live out his dreams and fate at the same time. He would also change his life by making his dream come true and live life in a good way. He might even learn from that and he will be a smarter person then he won’t get  to be controlled he would know what to do instead of someone directing him.

    Later then, George said “what they are not to do, they ain’t got nothing to head to.” pg.14.This quote is actually showing what they really are. They always bring up in mine who’s going to have a barn and have all these vegetable and all the animals but didn’t get nothing so that is why i said earlier they are talking about their self's and making them look bad like poor. They also said they were going to succeed but they never did. They always wanted to make it work but theirs always something going in their way. It was hard for Lennie to concentrate on that. He always tried not to get in trouble but he got in trouble basically he did it by accident and did the opposite.

Sooner later, when Lennie kill Curley’s  wife and then Lennie runs away then George found him because he told him to go there if there was any trouble. Then they talk about how their lives are going to be. then Lennie said “go on George. George said “ Guys like us got no fambly. They make a little stake an’ then they blow it in”.” They aint got nobody in the worl’ that gives a hoot in hell about em’----” this shows that George is basically talking about Lennie. Because of all of the terrible things he have done. Which all of the things that Lennie done George knows he didn’t mean to or try to.

In conclusion this quote really shows fate because it tell what they always wanted to do. they even thought about how many money they should even make to get the farm so that they can make their own business. They already made a plan since the begin of the book they left it in their head like it was planted their for a reason then it died when Lennie died which was very sad. They also remembered but never did it because of all the accident that Lennie cause like the killing of Curley’s wife he accidentally kill her by stroking her neck so that she can be quite. All the cause of their fate its because of all of Lennies accidents which Lennie hates because he couldn’t tend the rabbit and couldn’t have his fate at all. But i think maybe when hes in heaven he will have it because he didn’t mean to do anything wrong he just didn’t listen to George and when he doesn’t listen to him that's when his fate starts ticking out.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Why I am Pissed!

      I am pissed because i need to make up a lot of work. Which i don't like to get bad grades at all. I don't know where i got this laziness from. I just hope it goes away because i will do bad in the first year of high school. So basically I am going to try hard to keep my grades up so that I can get a good future. I don't want a job that gives me a headache like my dad. I wish that he just retires and i swear to god i will work for him which I'm already doing. I want to get good grades just to keep him happy and for myself. I don't want my dad to see my F's he don't want to hear that. I just need to do my work so that i don't have to worry about anything.
      I am trying to make my dad happy because hes been complaining about how hard he worked. Which he did he work in a store for 34 years. I cant live if i do that I'm really glad that my dad did this think for his family he not a failure like them others that messes their life up. I love my dad so that is why i am trying to get my grades up. I just want my dad to know I'm just like him i wont give up for him will do the thinks he want me too and i will succeed and make my dad happy and believe in me that i wish he can do. He sometimes he a different person then later he just change like in a snap of a finger which i really hate it when he yells because hes head starts to hurt more and i tell him in my language hope god may bless your head.

     Finally, I am trying to make my family happy because i am trying to make them proud of them so that they can see the real person in me basically. I want them to know that i will be with them. i will love my parents like they love me i will do anything to keep them loving me i will protected them i will defend them i will do whatever it takes no matter what ill do it. I will do it for them because they also did it for me.Thats why i love them with all my heart.

                                                                THE END

Saturday, October 2, 2010

What I Did Today

     Today I woke up this morning which i thought was going to be a sunny day again for me but it wasn't. Then i realized my dad didn't wake me up this morning for work. After that i told my mom to wake up my sister because shes the one that is going to drive me there. As i told my mom i went in the bathroom took a shower and was singing at the same time, and got out without brushing my teeth because i left my tooth brush down stairs so i went down to go get it and my brother was in then i told him to give me my tooth brush and he did.

     After that i went up stairs and brush my teeth and then i told my mom to make me some breakfast with i wanted to do but she wouldn't let me because she said that the hash brown that i was going to make will take too long. Then she made me a egg sandwich with cheese in it that tasted really good i would like to eat another one but i can tell that shes not going to make me one because im already too chubby lol. Then my sister went inside the car to warm it up and i stayed on the sofa to eat my breakfast and i sort of took long. that really made my mom mad which i am really sry for that mom love ya but anyways when i finish my breakfast i went inside the car and she went to the store i was working out.

     finally i went to the store to help my dad because i feel sry for him. Thats why i went to the store because i love him so much with all of my heart. Then i stayed there and it was the day that you have too pray which is every friday afternoon. But i didn't go because i had to help my cousin run the store. After i stayed there from afternoon untill 8:00 o,clock. then my cousin said that he didnt need me so they took me home then i went on the internet for no reason because im bored and i went in the bathroom came out and i notice i didn't do my homework so here you go.sry for the grammers